Development Trend Of Charging Station
Data indicates that the ratio of electric vehicles to charging stations in China hasdecreased to 2.55:1, primarily driv-en by private charging stations. The current ratio of electric vehicles to public charging stations stands at 6.7:1, meanin gthere are approximately 7 vehicles per public station, highlighting the challenge of insufficient stations for the number of vehicles.
The sales and ownership of electric vehicles in China are growing rapidly, and the charging demand is constantly increasing. According to the latest data of the State Grid, the ownership of NEVs has exceeded 13 million in June 2022, and it is expected to reach one hundred million in 2030, and to exceed 300 million in 2040. China will continue to vigo-rously support the development of the charging station industry, and it is predicted that the state will vigorously sup-port the development of the charging pile industry.
Atpresent,charginganxietyhasbecomethemainprobleminthedevelopmentofnewenergyvehicles.Theliquid -cooledsuperchargetechnologywhichismoree?cientandsaferhasbecomethefocusoftheindustry.
As of 2022, there were around 14 enterprises operating over 20,000 charging stations nationwide,while 8 enterprises operated over 60,000 public charging stations. In this context, the Concentration Ratio (CR3) of the Chinese market for new energy vehicle charging stations is close to 55, and the ConcentrationRatio 8(CR8) exceeds 80.The Chinese market for new energy vehicle charging stations exhibits a high level ofconcentration. The main factors contributing to the high concentration of the charging station operationmarket are the strong economies of scale, significant upfront investments, and lengthy return on investmentcycles, which greatly test the financial and operational capabilities of companies. Therefore, in the long run,the Chinese market for new energy vehicle charging stations will maintain a relatively high level of concentra-tion.
Although the market concentration of charging station s for NEVs in China is already at a high level,with the rapid increase in the demand for charging stations, the competition of charging stationoperators will further increase. Specifically, the competition in the charging station market can bedivided into the compe-tition between existing enterprises, the competition between new entrants, theprice negotiation with upstream suppliers and the competition with the substitute industry.